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Non Leak Related Problems & Their Repair

Problems & Solutions


Q: Old style plastic roof glazing bar supports with slipped steel re-inforcing bars.

A: Re-position and secure the re-inforcing bars after first providing independent roof supports.

Q: Missing steel re-inforcing in the above.

A: Replace the roof with conventional self supporting glazing bars and new glazing.

Roof spread

Q: The weight of the roof has pushed the side windows out of alignment.

A: Install a tie bar to prevent further movement.

If the movement is serious, de-glaze the roof and attempt to re-position the roof and install a tie bar to stabilise the structure.

Mis-alignment of gutters. Inadequate number of downspouts

Q: Gutters will not drain properly.

A: Remove old and install new with the correct number of brackets and fall.

Q: Roof area to downspout area too great leading to possible overflowing.

A: Install additional downspout to adequately drain.

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